At the Alliance for Learning Innovation (ALI), we envision a future where every student has access to the transformative educational opportunities they need to thrive. We believe this can be achieved through education research and development (ed R&D) –applied research in real-world education environments focused on developing, testing, and evaluating innovative solutions to our nation’s most pressing education problems.
The new year brings fresh opportunities to partner with leading education organizations, state and local leaders, and policymakers to build a more effective, innovative, and community-centered education R&D system. I am excited about the work ahead of us and wanted to take the opportunity to share ALI’s priorities for 2025.
To build momentum and impact in the year ahead, ALI will focus on four key priorities.
1. Strengthening Federal Policy and Issue Education ALI will continue to shape federal policy, advocate for strategic federal investments, and provide technical assistance to federal policymakers and agencies to improve the effectiveness of ed R&D nationally. We look forward to releasing ALI’s 2025 Policy Agenda in February and working with coalition members and partners to bring the recommendations to life.
2. Building the Case for Education R&D One of the most rewarding aspects of leading ALI is the opportunity to collaborate with coalition members and partners to create a shared vision for education R&D. Together, we build greater awareness of and support for education R&D among practitioners, policy leaders, and other key stakeholders. ALI will continue to equip coalition members with tools and training to advance R&D priorities at the federal and state levels. We’ll be at many more conferences and events in 2025 to call attention to the need for a strong education R&D ecosystem.
Look out for ALI’s panel at SXSW EDU, “Building and Broadening the Education R&D Enterprise,” informed by the findings of our task force on the Role of HBCUs, MSIs, and TCUs in Education R&D. We are eager to see many of you at SXSW EDU, and also ASU-GSV Summit, American Educational Research Association’s Annual Meeting, and Jobs For the Future: Horizons later this year.
3. Supporting State and District Education R&D Capacity In 2025, ALI is eager to extend its leadership beyond federal policy to support state-level leaders and advocates in case-making for, and implementation of, R&D approaches unique to community needs. Since our creation, we have sought out state leaders’ input on how to best support their ed R&D priorities. We look forward to continuing to elevate these voices as we support new state-led efforts, funding streams, and partnerships to help translate education research into evidence-based tools and practices for educators and parents. As a part of this effort, we will continue working with our Task Force members and partners like EducationCounsel and InnovateEDU and Transcend and Education Reimagined in the year ahead.
4. Growing ALI’s Organizational Capacity This will also be a year for ALI to build its own capacity and advance our mission and vision with support from ALI’s Advisory Committee and key partners. We are looking forward to launching our new website this spring to more effectively share our work with coalition members, supporters, and policymakers. Stay tuned for ALI’s new website in March!
It’s going to be a big year for ALI. As the coalition’s Executive Director, I am hopeful that, in December, I will be able to write a new blog post updating this community on ALI’s accomplishments in securing additional R&D champions in the new administration; fostering greater awareness of and investment in education R&D; and lifting up examples of where education R&D is being harnessed to improve student outcomes.
I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and make this ALI’s best year yet.
If you’d like to get involved in ALI’s work, you can engage with us in a few ways:
Follow us on LinkedIn and X to stay up-to-date on ALI’s progress.
Join ALI’s Google Group to connect with ALI members and supporters, and share resources and opportunities. If interested, email contact@alicoalition.org.
Share your R&D success story with us by completing this form. Your story could be featured alongside others on the ALI website.